Once the CFCL became technologically savvy, there was no need for actual snail-mailings. In order for the Monroe Doctrine to continue, all that was necessary was for the Editor to be technological and Internet savvy as well. Sixteen years later the Monroe Doctrine arrived on the Internet with a blog page all of its own and we have been blazing trails ever since.
Way back in its pre-Internet infancy, the Monroe Doctrine was designed as a vehicle to make CFCL observations while taking good natured pot-shots at Bob Monroe, owner of the Bald Eagles. Once we crashed into the Internet it was still intended to be CFCL based, but include a more broad baseball theme. I wanted to stay local and focus on the CFCL and how the National League connected to CFCL issues. Then a weird thing happened. WE WENT INTERNATIONAL!
Yes, I said INTERNATIONAL! Hits from Japan, Canada, the Ukraine and Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Here’s a link to the Monroe Doctrine and specifically to the post that announced our world domination.
Our goal remains the same, weekly posts during the baseball season ** that appeal to our owners first and foremost but also are interesting enough to keep our international brethren tuned in. Oh by the way, CFCL Turns 30 has registered hits from the United Kingdom, Peru, Indonesia, Russia, Portugal and Germany. Baby.
** The weekly posts have not been consistent. This year especially so as the focus has been on daily posts to the CFCL Turns 30. Plus I wanted my first submission of 2013 “Pat Hughes Must Go” to really sink in.
Hopefully the Monroe Doctrine has been a source of information and amusement for the league over the years. It’s a labor of love and one more level of the type of league the CFCL has become that is not always available in other fantasy baseball leagues.